Friday, November 9, 2012

Internship Journal Week Six

Week 6
Date: Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th November                                  Total Hours: 16

I was at Speakeasy as usual on Tuesday. I needed to finish up the spreadsheet and do a couple more little tweaks on the survey before Wednesday. I mainly spent my time on the spreadsheet. I had to weigh and measure a few more products, and I wanted to double check the work I had already done. I looked through the spreadsheet and picked out things that looked off, and I would do some research to figure out if I had made a mistake. I caught a few mistakes, but I think the majority of it was correct. I then changed the survey a little, and I let Tim know that these were both completed and ready for our meeting on Wednesday.

I was at Chancery Coffee this week, and I had an early morning. I had to be in when the shop opened so my day started at 7:30. I thought the day was going to drag on because I was tired and Chancery, being the newest shop, is one of the slower ones. The assistant manager, Ryan, wanted me on the counter with another member of the staff that was new to the shop. It was nice to have another worker that did not know where everything was. It made me feel less incompetent. We switched off working the till and preparing food for customers.

 Ryan wanted us to work on the customer touch points that he likes to use in this shop (greeting them, taking their order, taking the payment, taking their name, asking if they have a loyalty card, etc.). I had my first encounter with a hostel customer since I have started with Coffeesmiths. We asked a gentleman for his name, and he did not take that too well. He started ranting on about how taking his name for the coffee was silly, and how this is just as bad as Starbucks. Ryan explained to the man that we are just trying to build a relationship with our customers. That guy stuck in everybody’s head for the rest of the day. When you work in hospitality, you always remember the jerks. They just rub you the wrong way. We are only trying to do our jobs, and make customers feel welcome. Enough of the little rant; the rest of the day went well, and I left for Speakeasy a little before 14:00 to meet with Tim.

We started our meeting with the survey; he said I did a great job and took some initiative in picking the design of the survey. He had a couple of small things he wanted to change, and gave me until Thursday to change them. The survey should now be active, and Tim and I are meeting next week to go through some of the responses. We then moved on to the website project. He gave his approval on the updated spreadsheet so we were ready to move on. The next step in my project is to place on the information I have found into the backend of the website, as well as connecting products with related ones and suggested add on products.

 He taught me some tricks with using Wordpress, and gave me till next Wednesday to have the information in the backend. He also wants me to compile all the product images into a folder in Dropbox. This is a large amount of work to do in a week, but I will just have to work through the weekend to get it done. I do have to say that this project is making feel as if I actually work for Coffeesmiths. This is an important project, and customers will be seeing the information I enter into Wordpress. Coffeesmiths will be using my information to calculate shipping rates as well. Although it is a lot of work crunched in a small time frame, I am happy Tim trusts me to do it.      

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