This weekend we had our first group trip. I was really
excited for it because I have wanted to see what the UK is like outside of
London. The first stop on the trip was
Stonehenge. On the bus there, I thought that Stonehenge was going to be amazing
to see since it is such a well-known attraction. When we arrived, I was a
little disappointed. It was not as big as people make it out to be, and we had
to stay on a path that was at a distance from the site. I was hoping I would
get to walk through the stones or at least be a little closer than the path
allowed me to get. Do not get me wrong, Stonehenge is an incredible feat for
the time it was constructed, but for me, it is just something I can say that I
have seen. Next on the trip, which was also my favorite part of the trip, was

I found Bath to be beautiful! I enjoyed walking around Bath
looking at the old architecture. It amazed me that a small city like Bath had
so many things going on. It would not be hard to keep myself busy in Bath all
day and all night. The Roman Baths were interesting and beautiful. I think I
spent a few hours wandering around them. It shocked me how big the place was.
From the outside and the initial entrance of the Baths, I thought I would be
bored with it within an hour. I was wrong; there were so many hallways and
rooms that it kept my interest the few hours I was there. What I really wanted
to do was to try the water. So when I reached the exit, it didn't take me long
to fill up a cup of the water and try it. It was not as bad as what people told
me it was, but it still wasn't good. Not something I want to drink every day.
Fast forward to the night life in Bath, and I would say that was a surprise.

Bath was crazy at night! There were so many people on the
streets and at the pubs and clubs. It caught me off guard because it has more
of a sleepy town feel to it during the day. The whole place did a 180 once the
sun went down. I met quite a few people that night. Most of them lived outside
of Bath, but came into the city for the night life. Two of the guys that I met
made my night. These two threw every stereotype about anti-Americanism out the
window. Once they found out that we were from America, they became very
excited. One of the guys kept asking us to speak so he could listen to our
accents. He was fascinated by us, and asked many questions about the states. I
don’t think he knew much about the States because he asked me where I was from;
when I said Iowa, he asked me what part of New York is that. It made me laugh,
and definitely made my trip to Bath more memorable. At first, I was worried
about anti-Americanism, but after my weekend in Bath and from the people I have
met in Woburn Place, I just do not see the hate for America. I guess it is just a stereotype.
Good observations on anti-Americanism